圖書暨資訊處 Office of Library and Information Technology

圖書館有獎徵答活動 北聯大四校圖書館週線上有獎徵答–我問你答 電子書聖誕市集 智取櫃之王 活動禮物加碼送 期刊大拍賣



  🎁 不限答題次數,但每人抽獎機會僅限1次!
  🎁 建議使用電腦版答題,尋找答案會比較順利哦~

      University System of Taipei – Library week QUIZ TIME

Date of activity: 27/11/2023(Monday)~10/12/2023(Sunday)
Participants: All current students of the USTP (NTPU, NTOU, NTUT, TMU)
Prize: 1000$ family mart gift card (1 from each school), $500 cash (2 from each school), $100 cash (10 from each school).
★All prizes cannot be claimed twice.

Activity Web Site: https://forms.gle/hfiGeyFg1vHAJLAs9
【Tips for the activity】
🎁 You can try to answer the question as many times as you want, but each person only wins 1 prize.
🎁 It is recommended to use the computer for the quiz, so you could find and answer the question in a more efficient manner!