圖書暨資訊處 Office of Library and Information Technology

圖書館有獎徵答活動 北聯大四校圖書館週線上有獎徵答–我問你答 電子書聖誕市集 智取櫃之王 活動禮物加碼送 期刊大拍賣



  1. 智取櫃借書服務(工學院&電機資訊學院限定)
  2. 全國文獻傳遞服務系統(NDDS)-複印件取件
  3. 北聯大圖書資源共享平台-借書件取件
  4. 介購圖書-借書件取件(工學院&電機資訊學院限定)




      The " Smart Pick Up Champion" Event

Are students and faculty members from the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science & College of Engineering feeling distant from borrowing and picking up books at the library? No need to worry anymore! The library is introducing a new service specifically for these two colleges' faculty and students. To introduce this service, the library is hosting the “Smart Pick Up Champion” event. We'll recognize students who use the smart locker service the most in December. The top users will receive FamilyMart gift cards as rewards!

Smart Pick Up Station (EECS Building)-Service
  1. Book borrowing service (Limited to College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science & College of Engineering)
  2. National Document Delivery Service (NDDS) - photocopy pick-up
  3. University System of Taipei-Library Resource Sharing Platform - book item pick-up
  4. Book Acquisition - book item pick-up (Limited to College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science & College of Engineering)

Usage Statistics Period: December 1st, 2023 to December 31st, 2023
Participants: Exclusive to students from the College of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science & College of Engineering
Prizes: FamilyMart Gift Card (NT$200 each for 3 winners)