
圖書暨資訊處 - 圖書整合服務

Office of Library and Information Technology



圖書館空間(討論室、團體視聽室、VR體驗區)借用說明: (線上申請步驟) 開始借用(Apply Now)

註 :全館皆可使用無線網路。
註 :全館皆可使用無線網路。


Discussion Rooms:
Small Discussion Rooms (203, 204): A request can be made by 3 or more people, and subject to a maximum of 6 people per group.
Large Discussion Room (205): A request can be made by 5 or more people, with a maximum of 12 people per group.
Room Facilities:Each Discussion Room is equipped with desks, chairs, power sockets, a projector, an electric-powered screen (the remote control can be borrowed from the front desk), a glass whiteboard wall and WIFI.
Duration of Use: Use is subject to a maximum of 2 hours per session.Room Facilities:Each Group Viewing Room is equipped with a projector, an electric-powered screen and DVD player.
Group Viewing Room (201, 202):
A request can be made by 5 or more people, with a maximum of 10 people per group.
Duration of Use: Use is subject to a maximum of 2 hours per session. Viewing of videos that are longer than 2 hours require the notification of the library at the time of application, so that extensions can be made where possible.
Dream Ocean Virtual Reality(VR) experience zone
A request can be made by 2 to 3 people. Users can borrow laptop, 3D glasses, remote controller from Serials Office (Next to Dream Ocean room).
Duration of Use: Use is subject to a maximum of 2 hours per session.



Important Notes

Once a reservation has been approved, the applicant should approach the front counter located on the second floor of the library within 10 minutes after the reserved session begins. Failure to show up within 10 minutes would be considered a waiver of the reserved session and counted as a No Show. Applicants who accumulate two No Shows will be suspended from further use of the rooms for one month.
Reservation cancellation must be made no later than one day before the reserved session when using the My Lib system, or any time before the session begins by contacting the library in person. Cancellations made according to the Regulations will not be treated as a No Show.
Users are responsible for maintaining cleanliness and serenity of the used rooms; Users are not allow to bring food, make excessive noise, or use the rooms for other inappropriate or unrelated activities. OLIT may immediately cancel the room upon discovering any violation, and may suspend the violator from further use of the room for one month.
After using the rooms, users are required to tidy up the rooms, turn off electronic devices and inform the front desk to check the room facilities. The staff/student identity card will be returned after the library staff confirms that no facilities are damaged.