
圖書暨資訊處 - 圖書整合服務

Office of Library and Information Technology

Turnitin 論文原創性比對系統「帳號申請表單」

本校博碩士生不須填寫申請表,圖書館已建立您的Turnitin帳戶。請至學校的信箱尋找主旨為「一個 Turnitin 帳戶已為您建立。您的登錄資訊在此。」
請利用Turnitin登入頁面中忘記密碼的功能 ,Turnitin將會重寄一封開通信件至您的學校信箱,詳細方法請參閱 [ 說明 ]

【Notes for Turnitin Application】
Graduate students do not need to apply an account. The library has created your Turnitin account for you. Please go to the school's email and find the email subject is "A Turnitin account has been created for you. Here is your login information."
Please follow the instructions to create an account.
(If you already forwarded school's email to your preferred email, please check your preferred email.)

Please use the school's email account to log in. Do not pass the account information to others for use.